Domestic and Family Violence - a multicultural perspective

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Who should do this module?

As part of the overall program for Leaders and Supervisors
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Module Information
This module will assist the learner to understand some of the complex factors involved in domestic and family violence situations. It will deliver information about the legal steps that need to be followed as well as providing direction to the most appropriate support services.
  • Training Points:  2 
  • Approximate Duration: 25 minutes
  • Quiz Questions: 16 (in 2 blocks)
  • Video time: 19 minutes
  • Participant Warning:  See below 


This module examines the complex factors involved in Domestic and Family Violence including information about different perspectives between couples, the cycle of violence that occurs and the impact on children. The module also provides direction to the most appropriate support services. The Office for Safeguarding would like to offer sincere gratitude to Avert for providing access to their learning materials.

Module Details

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Video  and Reading Content Format
At the Office for Safeguarding at the Diocese of Parramatta, we know that you will touch the lives of families where domestic and family violence exists.

Violence in the family is complex and has many layers and corresponding impacts; from cultural compounding factors, trauma experienced by the children who observe the violence and learned behaviours adopted by children as they grow.
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Participant Warning
This module includes graphic details or stories of domestic violence and may raise personal concerns. If you feel distressed please reach out and access help and talk to someone by accessing the link inside the module or by downloading this quick reference page.